“Frustration Blues: When Your Heart Sings a Sorrowful Tune”

Blessing Effiong
3 min readMar 21, 2023


Zamar’s heart raced as she opened the WhatsApp group chat with her closest friends, her fingers trembling over the keyboard. She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her failing marriage heavy on her shoulders, and typed out the words she never thought she’d say: “I think I made a mistake.”

It had started out as a fairytale romance, just like in the movies. Bayo had swept her off her feet with his charm and his promises of a future together. They had laughed, loved, and dreamed together, and Zamar had never felt happier in her life.

But then, slowly but surely, the cracks began to show. Bayo’s habit of talking to other women started to wear on her, and his lack of a prayer and study life made her question whether they were really on the same page. He was lazy towards things that concerned Zamar, be they her goals, visions, or dreams, and she felt like she was constantly fighting an uphill battle to make their relationship work.

Zamar had ignored the warning signs, hoping that things would get better with time. But the more she tried to fix things, the more she realized they were irreparably broken. She felt trapped and alone, with no one to turn to but her friends.

As she poured out her heart to Nifemi, Sarah, and Omowummi, she realized that she had been foolish to rush to accept his engagement without seeking the face of God first. She had been so caught up in the romance and the excitement of being in love that she had overlooked the red flags waving right in front of her face.

But it wasn’t too late to make a change. Zamar resolved to seek the face of God before making any more significant decisions in her life and to never turn a blind eye to the warning signs of a failing relationship again.

Over the next few weeks, Zamar spent countless hours in prayer and reflection, seeking clarity and guidance on what to do about her relationship with Bayo. As she prayed, she began to see things more clearly and to recognize the ways in which she had been compromising her own needs and values in order to please Bayo.

One day, as she was praying, Zamar felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that it was time to take action and end the engagement with Bayo. She called Nifemi and Sarah and told them her decision. They were both supportive and offered to help her in any way they could.

With the support of her friends, Zamar began to take the steps necessary to end her marriage preparations. It wasn’t easy, and there were many tears shed along the way, but she knew that it was the right decision for her.

In the end, Zamar emerged from the experience stronger and more resilient than ever. She learned to trust her own instincts, seek guidance from God, and never settle for anything less than the love and respect she deserved.

As she moved forward with her life, Zamar knew that she would always cherish the friendship and support of Nifemi, Sarah, and the others, who had been with her every step of the way. And she knew that, no matter what the future held, she would always trust in God’s plan for her life.

“But those who wait for the LORD [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.”- Isaiah 40:31

Broken to Beauty by Blesseff diary

